АДОНИС - ADONIS. Семейство: лютиковые.

Rhizomatous herbaceous perennial, rarely annual weed with bright yellow flowers up to 7cm. in diameter. Blooms in April - May.

Adonis spring - flowers are pale - yellow with a diameter of 7 cm there belotsvetkovye species. The height of the peduncle 25 - 30 cm Amur Adonis - golden flowers - yellow, diameter 4 - 5 cm, height of the flower - 40 cm

Adonis solntselyubiv, but tolerates partial shade, drought-resistant and zimostoek. Prefers slightly alkaline or neutral soil. Rarely affected by diseases and pests, requires no special farming. Responsive to feeding a complete mineral fertilizer, which are carried out in spring or after flowering.

Propagated by seeds or division of Adonis rhizomes. Seeds are sown in open ground or in the spring before winter. Seedlings to bloom in the fourth year. The division carried out in spring or in late summer. Seedlings are planted Delenki or at a distance of 15 to 20 inches apart.

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